La description

The GS820 expands upon the conventional source measure unit technology by featuring two channels of four quadrant operation. Each channel is isolated from one another and comes armed with a voltmeter, ammeter, voltage source and current source. Application Examples DC voltage/current reference, pulse voltage/current source V-I curve trace, semiconductor parametric test Programmable arbitrary waveform generation Electric load, resistance measurement Production test
Four-quadrant operation consisting of source operation (current source) and sink operation (current sink) is available with ranges up to 7 V and 3.2 A or 18 V and 1.2 A. The output and measurement resolutions are 5.5 digits. Other features include:
  • Isolated 2-channel source and measurement function
  • Source and measurement ranges:
18V model: 7 V and 3.2 A or 18 V and 1.2 A 50V model: 20 V and 1.2 A or 50 V and 0.6 A
  • 1 pA resolution at extremely small current range 200 nA
  • Generate arbitrary waveforms consisting of up to 100,000 points at 100 &mu,s intervals
  • Channel expansion through master-slave synchronization link
  • Fast test speeds
  • 16-bit digital I/O (model 765602/12)
2-channel display example (256 x 64 dot matrix display)''

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